What’s up, swimmers?!

I’m Rebecca ‘Bee’ Scolnick, my pronouns are she/her, and I’m a writer, witch, and weirdo, who wants to help you make meaning out of the mess.

My books The Witch’s Book of Numbers: Enhance Your Magic With Numerology and Marriage by the Numbers: Planning Your Wedding Using Numerology are out now, and I also have a few free resources for download on my website. I am also one-third of Call Your Coven: Practical Advice for Nonsensical Times, a new podcast that blends numerology, astrology and the tarot into one monthly forecast.

The Soup™ is a catch-all term that I like to use for the Whole of it All. Everything we discover, everything that wows us, inspires us, connects dots for us, teaches us, challenges us, stumps us—it all goes in the soup!

If you like philosophy, spirituality, witchcraft, number magic, history, religion, popular culture and me, then chances are you'll dig what I'm brewing up here.

Why subscribe?

Free subscribers get access to posts like monthly numerological forecasts and The Friday Five, which are lists of what’s helping me get through these wacky weeks. You won’t have to worry about missing anything, as every new edition of the podcast* and newsletter goes directly to your email inbox. You can also log in to Substack to read the full archives, and other posts, as they are published.

Paid pals will receive:

  • Weekly numerological forecasts for each yearly cycle number

  • Quarterly insights from the tarot on the solstices and equinoxes

  • Access to The Soup™ Discord server

  • First dibs on any future offerings, like group workshops or 1-on-1 sessions.

Subscriptions are $5/month or $55/year, and there’s also a founding member price of $77/year if you’d like to support my ongoing work and receive my undying love!

Please know you can unsubscribe at any time, for any reason. No hard feelings!

* Please note the podcast in reference is any audio I release here at swimming in the soup. To receive updates for Call Your Coven, please subscribe on the podcast platform of your choice, YouTube, or join the coven on Patreon.

A little housekeeping:

If you can’t find the newsletter, check your spam folder. And please mark this address as ‘not spam.’ If the newsletter isn’t in your spam folder, either, you should look in the Promotions tab.

You can contact me directly by replying to any email I send from swimming in the soup, writing me at rebecca@rebeccascolnick.com, or dropping me a note through my website’s contact page.

Until next time, just keep swimming!
xx, bee

Subscribe to swimming in the soup

a little bit of this, a little bit of that. all things magical & mundane.


Rebecca ‘Bee’ Scolnick (she/her) is a writer, witch, and weirdo, who wants to help make meaning out of mess. Her book THE WITCH'S BOOK OF NUMBERS is out now, and she's one-third of CALL YOUR COVEN, a new podcast.